German tracht has developed intricately to serve all sorts of sociology economic needs of the German speaking regions. The evolution of the costume culture of was distinct enough to generate an iconic feel and label that remained however self contained till yester decades. It was only lately that some firms have entered the scene with dedicated objectives of realizing the potential commercial benefits that traditional
German clothing offers! The difference has been generated by the innovative marketing and novel orientations with which the traditional wear is being offered to the non German societies. Lederhosen not as the worker’s wear, but as light leisure wear and hats as lively decorations for different occasions – these are the novel marketing orientations that have really made the difference!
Ernst licht is a firm of global presence that showcases fine and authentic German tracht along with complete range of accessories that deliver true fervor and German customary charm! The firm has specialized in serving authentic products at affordable price tags. Through its
active online portal, Ernst Licht serves wide products range that include vibrant dirndls, blouses, mieder, pettipants, socks, footwear and jewellery in the women’s category. Men’s category includes fine embroidered
lederhosen, shirts, suspenders, hats
and other accessories.
Ernst Licht has created its strong market position through reliable quality and authentic value that is ensured by sourcing the products from the best manufacturers from the German land. The company also serves tracht ranges from renowned German brands!
At a recent German Trachten Wear Seminar that was hosted recently at a German University and attended by culture historians along with commercial players like Ernst Licht, a spokesperson of the latter announced that, “Our company ‘Ernst Licht’ will substantially expand its product portfolio to incorporate finer elements and also broaden its sourcing patterns for trachten icons like
dirndls and lederhosen due to increasing demand!”
Ernst Licht is a frontline company that serves authentic German attires and accessories and has developed multiple backend linkages with the quality manufacturers. To know more about the company and its products log on to the interactive online portal: